You can add a business to the Directory even if you are not the owner. However, if you are the owner and would like to control further actions with your business, you need to claim it after it's created. Once your business is successfully created, click on the "Claim Business" button on the business's banner.


To better reach both English-speaking and French-speaking clients, consider filling out the title and description of this business in both languages. If you choose not to or unable to, don't worry! BBA will autofill the description for the other language.

Contact Information

e.g. 555 My Street

Even if this business only functions online, please add a city

Even if this business only functions online, please add a province/state

Even if the business only functions online, please add a country

Social Media


The main image of the business. It represents a banner to the business page. Think of it as an awning or billboard for the store. For best results the image size should have a width of 1140px and a height of 400px.

Hours of Operation






